
The Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue Issues a Report on the Organizations’ Efforts to Reduce the Phenomenon of Suicide

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Press Release

Today, Monday, June 27, 2022, the Unit of Research and Studies at the Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue (FDHRD) issued a report entitled: “The phenomenon of suicide and the efforts of international and national organizations to limit its spread.”

The report highlighted that every year more people die by suicide than from HIV, malaria, breast cancer, or even war and murder. It was necessary to research the causes of this phenomenon and the factors that affect its marked increase in all countries of the world without exception.

The report addressed a number of topics, including:

First: Causes of Suicide, Psychological Factors, and Methods:
The report confirmed that there are many reasons that drive a person to commit suicide. It was found that the causes of suicide are not supported by many evidence and studies, but some commit suicide as a result of a mixed set of reasons. The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that the causes of suicide differ from one country to another due to different cultures and the nature of persons.

Among the causes that lead to suicide, which were addressed in the report: (lack of cultural and religious awareness, addiction, psychological disorders, exposure to bullying, emotional relationships, domestic violence, and economic conditions).

The report emphasized that suicide methods are the means that some people resort to deliberately to end their lives for various reasons. Just as the motives and causes of suicide are multi-form and sources, as well as suicide methods of varying forms and means. The report reviewed some of the methods and forms of suicide that some people take, such as: (cutting the arteries, throwing oneself from high, throwing oneself into the water, electrocution, administering poison, swallowing a large number of pills, taking an overdose of drugs, pesticides).

Second: Signs of Suicide
Suicide is rarely an impromptu decision. In the days and hours before a person ends his life and commits suicide, there are usually warning signs and signs. The presence of all signs is not required for a person to be at risk of suicide, one sign may mean that a person is in danger.

The report presented verbal signs of suicide, such as: expressing a desire to die, talking about a particular method of suicide, telling the person that he or she feels like a burden to others. Behaviors related to suicide risk include: moving away from hobbies they enjoyed and self-harm practices, and exploring ways to commit suicide such as searching for them on the Internet. In addition to other signs of mood.

Third: Efforts of International Organizations and Local Institutions to Eradicate the Phenomenon of Suicide
The report dealt with the efforts made by international and national organizations and agencies, such as: the World Health Organization, the Economic and Social Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the General Secretariat for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment at the Ministry of Health and Population, and finally Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.

The report concluded that individuals themselves must have sufficient awareness of the damage arising as a result of exposure to bad psychological states and enter into depressive episodes, and deal appropriately with these cases before initiating thoughts of suicide. It is also necessary to follow the instructions issued, whether by international organizations or national institutions that help in spreading awareness and guiding advice to reduce suicide by various causes, and provide appropriate treatment and support for those who attempt suicide and follow-up.

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The phenomenon of suicide and the efforts of international and national organizations

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