
The Dialogue Forum issues a report entitled: The prevalence of bullying in society

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Today, Tuesday 26/7/2022, the Research and Studies Unit at the Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue Foundation issued a report entitled:

“The prevalence of bullying in society”

The Forum monitored the phenomenon of bullying as an obstacle that prevents the enjoyment of a safe and dignified life free from manifestations of violence and hatred.

Where the report highlighted that bullying is one of the negative behaviors in society, which contradicts the high human principles, values and morals and the principles of brotherhood and equality among human beings, an act that causes harm to many people who are subjected to bullying and puts their lives at risk of destruction, in addition to the great psychological harm that It affects them and many other damages to those who are subjected to bullying.

There is also a clear relationship between the concept of aggression, violence and bullying. Some consider violence an extreme form of aggression. Bullying is a general and deliberate aggression, which may be physical, verbal, physical or through the use of technology. Therefore, bullying is a form of aggressive behavior.

The report dealt with a number of themes, the most important of which are:

First: the types of bullying.

If bullying is classified according to the type of wrong behavior of the bully, its types may be limited to verbal, physical, and social bullying, and it falls under each type of other sub-categories such as social, physical, verbal, family, and school bullying.

Second: the causes of bullying.

Knowing what are the causes of bullying and ways to treat it may help to get rid of this phenomenon gradually, as the emergence of the phenomenon of bullying among students is due to a large number of reasons that some may not expect that it may lead to placing one of the students in that situation, we cannot be certain that there is Specific or specific reasons that push a person to bully other people, and there are many reasons that may push people to bully, they may be psychological, family, school-related or technological reasons…etc.

The report also touched on some cases that have recently been subjected to all kinds of bullying, whether physical, verbal, electronic, family bullying…etc.

Third: the effects and consequences of bullying.

Bullying affects everyone: the victim, the bully, and the audience. The effects of bullying are many, including mental and psycho-emotional health, drug use, and suicide.

Bullying leads to psychological, emotional and behavioral problems in the long term, such as depression, loneliness, introversion and anxiety. Whoever is subjected to bullying leads to headaches, stomach pains, and cases of fear and panic. The individual also withdraws from social activities that take place in the family or school, until he becomes a silent and isolated person. Bullying may lead the victim to suicide.

Fourth: Egyptian efforts to combat bullying in Egypt.

Where the report discussed the role of the National Council for Motherhood and Childhood in addressing the phenomenon of bullying in cooperation with UNICEF, and the role of Egyptian law in introducing some legislative texts to criminalize bullying, as well as paying attention to school subjects that raise values ​​and morals, and emphasize the need to respect the other.

The report concluded that bullying is a phenomenon that must be treated, as bullying is one of the phenomena that society must seek to treat by various possible means, which start from building generations on good morals, good values ​​and equality between people of different colors, races, affiliations and beliefs, and spreading those values ​​and morals among The various members of society, in addition to directing awareness campaigns on an ongoing basis that highlight the dangers of bullying and warn people against various methods of physical or verbal violence. Bullying must be criminalized through deterrent laws and the promotion of self-confidence in children.

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Bullying as an obstacle to a safe and dignified life free from violence and hatred “The prevalence of bullying in society”

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