9th July 2009
The Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue follows with a great concern the news in regard to arresting Yasser Barakat, chief editor of Al Mogaz Newspaper by investigations of executing provisions. It is worth mentioning that on 24th June 2009, Cairo Criminal Court (11) sentenced a judgment of prisoning Yasser Barakat, the chairperson and chief editor of Al Mogaz Newspaper, for six months in addition to a fine of 20.000 EGP in the lawsuit no. 2453 of 2008 by Mr. Mostafa Bakri, the chairperson and chief editor of Al Isboa Newspaper and parliamentarian for Helwan constituency as he accused him of insulting him in an article published in edition no. 88 of Al Mogaz Newspaper on 27/11/2007 entitled “Bakri: Syrian Intelligence… Nagib Swiris: How brokers of Arab nationalism traded in slogans of honor and morals”.
Also the Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue is closely following up the ongoing negotiations between the syndicate of journalists and Mostafa Bakri to search for mechanisms to come out from this crisis. In addition, the forum calls the Egyptian journalists to join and work together to come out from this dilemma and that the syndicate of journalists should search for an effective mechanism to treat and address problems of journalists inside the syndicate to avoid recurrence of such crisis.