
Egyptians Abroad: Conflicts and Challenges

1 min read

, The Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue (FDHRD) issues its report, which deals with the violations and problems faced by Egyptians abroad. Egypt has known foreign migration since the middle of the twentieth century, as it witnessed the emigration of some Egyptians abroad during the fifties and sixties, most of them permanent migrants. The emigration of Egyptian labour has been concentrated mainly in the Gulf labour market in oil-producing countries during the massive oil revolution that the region has witnessed since the seventies, in addition to emigration to some other Arab and European countries with the aim of temporary migration, and to America, Canada and Australia with the aim of permanent emigration

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In blatant violation of the right to a fair trial, the right to life, and the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Majid Reza Rahnavard was sentenced to death in public, in Iran.

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The Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue (FDHRD) issues its report : Egyptians Abroad: Struggles and Challenges

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