
Launch of the National Strategy for Intellectual Property A step on the road to sustainable development

2 mins read

Press Release


On September 21, 2022, Egypt witnessed the launch of the National Intellectual Property Strategy, under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, during the visit of Darren Tang, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to Egypt for the first time.
In this context, the Forum for Development and Human Rights Dialogue affirms that the launch of this strategy would maximize the benefit of scientific research in all sectors at the state level in order to support the national economy and encourage researchers to innovate and present new ideas for development in various fields and a new documentation step towards digital progress, demanding the completion of efforts in creating a legislative environment capable of protecting creativity and intellectual innovation in a smooth manner.
For his part, Said Abdel Hafez, Head of the Dialogue Forum Foundation, stressed that the state’s launch of the National Strategy for Intellectual Property is the third strategy launched by the Egyptian state after the launch of the National Strategy for Human Rights on September 11, 2021 and the National Strategy for Climate Change 2050, which was launched on May 19, 2022, which confirms Egypt’s launch towards the new republic that establishes a comprehensive intellectual, social and humanitarian coordination, and is a qualitative leap at all levels and in line with the objectives of the new republic, Egypt’s vision. 2030, the national agenda launched in February 2016, reflects the long-term strategic plan of the state to achieve the principles and goals of sustainable development in all fields, and to localize them with the various Egyptian state agencies. It also contributes to the creation of an environment that stimulates innovation and guarantees intellectual rights and property.

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